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Word of the Chair

Dear Colleagues and Practioners,

Research in signal and image analysis is going on for many decades now. Azriel Rosenfeld, one of the pioneer in signal and image analysis and a professor emeritus of the University of Maryland, stated in the early 80's that although there has been done a lot of research in that field, there are not so many real working applications in practice. At that time, he said, only barcode-readers used in supermarkets and medicine for logistical purposes worked very well and can be considered as a great achievement of image processing. Now, many years after the 80's, research has been going on and we are still looking for the great achievments in automated signal and image analysis.

The conference should fill the gap between the research intension and the practical needs. MDA is now running for four years. Since that we have seen quite a number of very interesting applications of automated signal and image analysis. At MDA, we are looking for well-motivated theoretical methods applied for practical applications. The work should be carefully evaluated and should make some impact on the application. The intension of the conference is to pave the way for more automated signal and image analysis system.

If you, as a researcher or practioner, have to contribute something of your work, we are highly encourage you to submit to this conference. If you, as a practioner, like to know what is going on in that field and what can be used in practice, we friendly invite you to join our community and take actively part in the conference

We are looking forward to your contributions to the next MDA.

With Best Regards,

Prof. Petra Perner
Conference Chair

© Petra Perner