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MDA Submission

19th International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals

with Applications in Medicine, r/g/b Biotechnology, Food Industries and Dietetics, Biometry and Agriculture MDA'2025
July 11 - July 13, 2025, Dresden / Germany

If you like to submit your paper please sent an e-mail to MDA in July 11-13, 2025 you should submit an e-mail to

In the header of the e-mail you should write

“MDA 2025” or the name of any other conference.

The body should contain the e-mail address, name and affiliation. The appendix should have the paper as pdf format. We are looking forward to your submission. After you have submitted your papaer you should

register yourself or the one who gives the talk


All kinds of applications are welcome but special preference will be given to multimedia related applications, biomedical applications, and webmining. more ...